The storyline is engaging and generates enigma with a plot twist towards the end of the short film. High Maintenance builds audience thought where we begin to assume only the males are robots and that the women dictate the outcome. But then there is a plot twist at the end that shows her husband turn her off with a flick of a switch, this clearly states that both male and females are robots. The plot twist builds suspense and prolongs the audience's interest.
The short film includes techniques that would be considered intentional and clever, such as at the commencement of the short film there is an amplified sound of the couple eating their dinner but the chewing and clattering sound of the cutlery hitting the plate is purposely made uncomfortably noticeable. The purpose is to highlight the awkwardness and tension of the scene making it obvious there is abnormality about the scene.
Although you and your group have decided to make a trailer rather than a short film, textual analysis skills development is never wasted.