But, beyond sex and sleeping the storyline isn't as naughty as that location might indicate, we see a sincere relationship develop between a young man and women. As the relationship changes and evolves, so does the bedroom which fills with a collection of things lying in an untidy state; simply changing from neatness to cluttered chaos. The state of the bedroom cleverly reflects the wellbeing of the relationship and we see both progressively get worse. I found it astonishing how despite the fact that this is a film focussed on two characters whose faces we can barely perceive, I managed to grow and build an attachment to their journey and was engulfed into their story.
Me & You combines both humour and heart; it also helps that the film was appealing to look at with thanks to David Wright whom took charge of photography directing and manages to cram a lot of visual phenomenons into its single angle. The lighting plays a huge role in the movie showing the variety of times in the day coming through the window as well as the light from the games console and laptop.